Product Description
PolarisUSA is proud to offer you Univiews 8 Channel Network Video Recorder.
Features:- 8 Built-In PoE
- Up to 16MP Resolution
- Ultra 265/H.265/H.264
- Alarm I/O
- 2 SATA (32TB) Storage
- Rackmountable
- Fisheye Dewarping
- Smart VCA Search
- License Plate SearchFace Recognition
- Color Attibutes Filtering
Accept no substitutes! PolarisUSA uses A/V hard drives for maximum reliability and longevity. A/V drives are designed and optimized for use in DVRs, where data is constantly being written, rather than read. Standard PC hard disks just don't cut it! All of our drives are NEW, and come with a 3 year manufacturer warranty. Don’t accept refurbished units from our competitors!